
Sunday, November 20, 2011


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 What's my purpose?

Purpose is a word meaning an object to be reached; a target; an aim; a goal; a result that is desired; an intention. Purpose's basic concept is an individual's voluntary behavior activity awareness. Defining purpose is often relatively vague and almost meaningless; however, the concept is valuable and therefore retained.[1] Purpose can be operational defined as entity class property which may, but need not have consciousness.[2]

Simple question not so easy "answer", at least not for me. I'm on a journey, honestly I've been on a journey for Years, :) It's obvious that I'm not doing something right but I'm hopeful that I'll find my Real purpose in life. 

Over the years I've tried yoga on and off, and let me tell you it's not easy getting your body to cooperate with performing yoga poses, especially when you're muscles and joints are tight due to limited mobility (lack of exercise) age and non-flexibility but its a challenge that I'm attempting to master Again, Lol..

Meditation is something else that I've done on and off and I actually really do enjoy it, I just have to commit to setting a time to do it, who doesn't have 5 or 10 minutes a day for themselves, right?

I'm one of those seekers of peace, and from what I've read it seems that yoga and meditation is a great way of staying centered and finding that inner-peace so here's to me sticking with it

I'm watching Oprah's " Super Soul Sunday" right now, its so inspiring to see that people are figuring out what their purpose is and have found enjoyment, happiness, peace etc....

I want that!!!!!!!!