
Saturday, December 3, 2011


A Few weeks ago, I was at a nail salon and while receiving my service i had earphones on listening to guided meditation. The nail tech asked, "what are you listening to"? I replied, "guided meditation" she then looked at me strangely and smiled. I asked her if she meditates and she jokingly replied "only when I sleep".  Initially I felt embarrassed and wished I hadn't told her but after thinking about it i reminded myself that it's been occasions when someone has shared with me something they were involved with or participating in that I had no interest in or understood the purpose, so why would this be any different.

I'm certain that we all have considered not completing things in our life due to feeling discouraged by people in our life that do not understand the purpose of what you're trying to achieve.

SO, if you have aspirations to do something that you believe in, do not allow fear or  discouragement from others to keep you from what you are trying to accomplish..  At the end of the day, you only have "one" life and only you can  LIVE "your" life.

Stay Encouraged & Encourage Others!