
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Happy Birthday to "US"

Today I'm blessed to be able to celebrate another birthday. I was given a special gift on my birthday 25 years ago; not many people can say they gave birth to a child on their birthday. Ok, it was a "Painful" gift but still a gift :)

So.....when things seem to be spinning out of control and every day seems to bring more and more obstacles that you must endure try to remember that on the other side of pain is "JOY". Sometimes it takes longer than we'd like to get to the other side however once you get there, it makes the "Pain" all worth it.

I was blessed with two wonderful young men!

My Life

Be Blessed & Live for Today!

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Sometimes you need to will yourself out of bed even when your body & mind tells you to stay and today that's exactly what I did and I'm so glad.

I decided to go to the park, I'm sitting on a park bench enjoying the beautiful sunshine and as I sit here, I hear rumbling in the bushes behind me and kids playing at the playground, joggers running, families barbecuing, birds chirping etc... Life in motion :)

Thinking back i remember as a young girl i loved to lye on our driveway with my eyes closed and listen to nature sounds; birds chirping, grasshoppers etc.. I guess that's why I love going to the park and BEACH, those places give me a sense of peace and calm regardless of what's going on with me.

What brings you solitude? (shopping does not count, Lol)

Be Blessed & Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Be Still

I repeatedly tell myself to be "STILL"and cast my cares on Jesus, my Lord and Savior.

Image Detail

Be Blessed!